Front Page News

Biogen Releases New Data from Cherish and Nurture Trials

April 24, 2017
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Biogen will present Phase 3 end of study SPINRAZA® (nusinersen) data from CHERISH, which demonstrated a highly statistically significant and clinically meaningful improvement in motor […]

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SMA Community’s Voice Heard “Loud and Clear” at Last Week’s Patient Focused Drug Development Meeting with the FDA

April 23, 2017
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On April 18, 2017, the SMA community—families, clinicians, researchers, industry and regulators—gathered for a Patient-Focused Drug Development (PFDD) Meeting with the FDA. As part of […]

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Cure SMA to Host Webinar on Spinraza Access, as List of Administration Sites is Released

April 21, 2017
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On Thursday, May 4, at 1:00pm EST (10:00am PST/11:00am MST/12:00pm CST), Cure SMA will hold a webinar updating the community on the status of Spinraza […]

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The European Medicines Agency (EMA) Recommends Granting Marketing Authorization in the European Union for Spinraza

April 21, 2017
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The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has recommended granting a marketing authorization in the European Union (EU) for Spinraza. The recommendation indicates that Spinraza should be […]

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Cure SMA Awards $75,000 Grant to Jean Giacomotto, PhD, University of Queensland, Australia

April 10, 2017
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Cure SMA has awarded a $75,000 research grant to Jean Giacomotto, PhD, at the University of Queensland, for his project, “Zebrafish models of Spinal Muscular […]

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Cure SMA Publishes Second Journal Article on the Patient Voice

April 10, 2017
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Cure SMA, along with collaborators from Biogen and the SMA Foundation, have published a paper in the journal BMC Neurology.  In recent years, we’ve completed […]

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Cure SMA Awards $30,000 Grant to Remy Bordonne, PhD, CNRS-Centre National de Recherche Scientifique, France

April 5, 2017
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Cure SMA has awarded a $30,000 research grant to Remy Bordonne, PhD, at CNRS-Centre National de Recherche Scientifique, for his project, “Identification of the protective […]

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Cure SMA Receives Generous Donations from Fighting for Kaiden Foundation

April 4, 2017
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Cure SMA would like to thank the Fighting for Kaiden Foundation for their generous donations to our equipment pool and research programs. The foundation’s generosity […]

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Record Number of Abstracts Submitted for the 2017 SMA Researcher Meeting

March 29, 2017
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Abstract submission is now closed for the 2017 SMA Researcher Meeting. We are excited to announce that we received 125 submissions, a record number. Our […]

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Cytokinetics Announces Start of Second Cohort in Phase 2 Clinical Trial of CK-2127107 in Patients with SMA

March 29, 2017
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Cytokinetics, Inc. today announced that the second cohort of the Phase 2 clinical trial of CK-2127107 in patients with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), is open […]

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