Front Page News

AveXis Releases New Data on Phase 1 Clinical Trial

March 18, 2016
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AveXis has released new data from their current Phase 1 clinical trial testing AVXS-101, a systemic delivery of gene therapy for SMA. The data from […]

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Record Number of Abstracts Submitted for the 2016 SMA Researcher Meeting

March 14, 2016
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Abstract submission is now closed for the 2016 SMA Researcher Meeting. We are excited to announce that we received 118 submissions, a record number. Our […]

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Senate HELP Committee Passes Another 7 Innovation Bills

March 10, 2016
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The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee yesterday passed an additional 7 bills out of committee. Along with the 7 bills previously passed […]

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Winter 2015 Issue of Directions Now Online

March 8, 2016
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The Winter 2015 issue of Directions is now available! Please visit our Support & Care Publications page to download this issue or past issues of […]

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Cure SMA-Funded Researchers Publish Paper on Motor Neuron and Astrocyte Defects

March 1, 2016
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Cure SMA-funded researcher Chien-Ping Ko has published a paper in the Journal of Neuroscience, called “Defects in Motoneuron–Astrocyte Interactions in Spinal Muscular Atrophy.” The research […]

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2016 Annual SMA Conference on Track to Break Attendance Records

February 22, 2016
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Registration for the Annual SMA Conference is well on its way to a record-setting number. Over 700 families and researchers have registered for the conference […]

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Cure SMA Awards $140,000 Grant to Rashmi Kothary, MD, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute

February 18, 2016
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Cure SMA has awarded a $140,000 research grant to Rashmi Kothary, MD, at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute for his project, ” Muscle satellite cell […]

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Cure SMA Awards $140,000 Grant to Megerditch Kiledjian, PhD, of Rutgers

February 11, 2016
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Cure SMA has awarded a $140,000 research grant to Megerditch Kiledjian, PhD, at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, for his project, “Novel Strategies […]

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Senate HELP Committee Passes Innovation Bills

February 9, 2016
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The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee has passed 7 bills out of committee as part of its “step-by-step” approach to Innovation and […]

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Update on 21st Century Cures/Innovation: the Senate’s “Step-by-Step” Approach

February 2, 2016
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Cure SMA has been carefully monitoring the consideration of 21st Century Cures on Capitol Hill. As you know, the House passed legislation in July last […]

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