Catch Up on Research News from our Family Friendly Poster Session

Over the last decade, we’ve seen many advances in spinal muscular atrophy research, from new techniques in gene therapy to drugs that show promise in slowing or stopping the progress of the disease. With such great promise in the research landscape, we know that no single group can develop a treatment for SMA alone—it requires […]

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Cure SMA and Isis Announce Holiday Card Contest TEST

It’s only September, but the holidays are right around the corner! Cure SMA and Isis Pharmaceuticals are teaming up for a holiday card contest. This contest is open to children with spinal muscular atrophy and their siblings. We will be posting a gallery of all entries on our Facebook page. We’ll also be selecting several

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Cure SMA and Isis Announce Holiday Card Contest

It’s only September, but the holidays are right around the corner! Cure SMA and Isis Pharmaceuticals are teaming up for a holiday card contest. This contest is open to children with spinal muscular atrophy and their siblings. We will be posting a gallery of all entries on our Facebook page. We’ll also be selecting several

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Spinal Muscular Atrophy Biomarker Study Reaches Enrollment Goals

We’re excited to announce that enrollment for the NeuroNEXT biomarker study is now fully filled. This means that this critical study can continue to progress and teach us more about finding a cure for SMA. Cure SMA provided funding for this trial, and we also worked with lead investigator Stephen Kolb, MD, PhD, and his team

Spinal Muscular Atrophy Biomarker Study Reaches Enrollment Goals Read More »

Urge Your Senators to Support Passage of the Newborn Screening Saves Lives Reauthorization Act

The Newborn Screening Saves Lives Reauthorization Act (H.R. 1281) passed the House of Representatives this summer but still has not yet received a vote in the Senate. Cure SMA encourages you to call your Senators and urge them to support the passage of the Act prior to the end of the year. This legislation ensures

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Applications for the Cure SMA Medical Advisory Board Due 10/1/14

Cure SMA is expanding its role in spinal muscular atrophy medical affairs at the national level through its Medical Advisory Council (MAC). The MAC sets the agenda for proactive, creative, and collaborative leadership on issues that improve the quality of medical care for those affected by SMA. The focus of the Council is on educating

Applications for the Cure SMA Medical Advisory Board Due 10/1/14 Read More »

SMA Researchers Talk About the Importance of the Spinal Muscular Atrophy Research Group Meeting

Originally published on August 12, 2014. The SMA research group meeting, held each year as part of our Annual SMA Conference, is an anticipated event in the SMA research community. This meeting has a tangible impact on achieving our mission of a world without SMA. Over the last decade, we’ve seen many advances in SMA

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Cure SMA Releases Keynote Speeches and Drug Companies Summaries from The 2014 Annual Spinal Muscular Atrophy Conference

Originally published on June 27, 2014. The 2014 SMA Conference brought together over 1,400 families and 250 researchers from around the world. At the conclusion of the conference, families gathered for a special opportunity to hear about the latest SMA research from the leading experts. The session addressed new advances, strategies, and challenges in SMA

Cure SMA Releases Keynote Speeches and Drug Companies Summaries from The 2014 Annual Spinal Muscular Atrophy Conference Read More »

Cure SMA Announces Basic Research Funding for Dr. Lyndsay Murray

Recently, we announced that Dr. Lyndsay Murray at The University of Edinburgh will receive a a Cure SMA basic research grant of $80,000 over two years, to explore the reasons causing motor neuron cell death in SMA. Motor neurons are nerve cells in the brain stem and spinal cord that control muscle movement. We know

Cure SMA Announces Basic Research Funding for Dr. Lyndsay Murray Read More »

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