SMA Industry Collaboration

No single group can research and develop a treatment for spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) alone—it requires collaboration between academics, industry, government, and the SMA community. We bring all those groups together and lead the SMA Industry Collaboration to advance the goals that are important to our SMA community.

One of the most distinctive aspects of Cure SMA’s research program is the SMA Industry Collaboration. Established in 2016, the SMA Industry Collaboration is a multi-faceted partnership that brings together pharmaceutical companies, Cure SMA, and other nonprofit organizations to share information, ideas, and data. The SMA Industry Collaboration works together to address scientific, clinical, and regulatory topics that are critical to advancing drug development in SMA and will benefit the broader SMA community. It is currently comprised of our partners at Scholar Rock, Biogen, Novartis, Biohaven Pharmaceuticals, Genentech/Roche, Alcyone Therapeutics, NMD Pharma, and SMA Europe.

Through the SMA Industry Collaboration, we fund research to ensure that effective, safe treatments can progress through clinical trials quickly and gain approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and international regulators. Our research also ensures these treatments address the unmet needs of the SMA community, and that the community’s priorities and goals are incorporated into the development, review, and approval of therapies. The SMA Industry Collaboration is also conducting research to understand and identify disparities and perceived gaps in SMA care, treatment, and clinical trial research access. With this insight, we will create initiatives to increase access to SMA care and clinical research for all members of the SMA community.

The industry collaboration currently consists of four topic groups:

Approaches to enabling drug development and clinical trials

Education and awareness to promote broad and inclusive research, treatment, and care of SMA patients

Industry Collaboration Graphic

Current and Past SMA Industry Collaboration Projects

Examining risk tolerance in the SMA community and reporting findings to FDA via survey reports

Conducting listening sessions with the SMA community to explore and identify gaps in access to SMA treatment, care, and clinical research

Collaboration with SMA Europe to create resources and initiatives for the expansion of SMA clinical trial sites in Europe and affected individuals and families residing in the region

Development and refinement of outcome measures to ensure that SMA clinical trials are measuring the results most important to those with SMA

Creating, executing, and publishing results of the benefit-risk survey to better understand what benefits the SMA community is looking for in approved therapies and what risks they are willing to accept

Holding a Patient-Focused Drug Development Meeting with the FDA and publishing a Voice of the Patient report based on those findings

Launching an annual Community Update Survey to better understand the impact of SMA and how things change as therapies are made available

Offering SMArt Moves, an education and awareness campaign to reduce the time to diagnosis so babies with SMA can get the most benefit from approved treatments

Conducting a Critical Path Innovation Meeting (CPIM) with the FDA to discuss the community’s ongoing unmet medical needs

Development of a competency-based formal education program for SMA physical therapists

Evaluation of opportunities to “bring trials to patients” via the adoption of telemedicine and remote monitoring

SMA Industry Collaboration Publications

Publishing our work allows us to share ideas and work collaboratively to advance SMA drug development. Access manuscripts, toolkits, and other resources generated by the Industry Collaboration.

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